Glasses Getting Foggy

Hi Larry,

In your blog, I read that you wear glass while playing table tennis. I'm short sighted and glasses really help me during the game. In the winter I was pretty happy, but this hot and humid summer just drives me nuts. After a few points glasses get foggy and it feels like I direct myself by touch and sound, rather my vision. Wiping them takes a lot of time and improves the situation only marginally. So do you have this problem and how do you deal with it?

Strangely, I've never really had that problem, even though I have often played in hot, at least somewhat humid conditions. I'm guessing it's because my club, while not always air conditioned as much as it could be, still isn't super humid, so water doesn't accumulate on my glasses. I think it might have done so at tournaments many years ago, but I only vaguely remember it now. I think I just wiped them on my towel a few times a game, and got used to looking through not-so-clear lenses. 

Thank you for your response. You're quite happy to not have this problem :) I'm thinking about buying glasses with anti-fog lenses (seriously, so much frustration). So if someone has any experience with them, please let me know.

In reply to by Larry Hodges

Oh, thank you for the experience. But I feel like if the lighting is good enough, I can play reasonbly well without glasses, since anti-fog coating seems to bee very expensive.